Off-Plan VS Resale Property in Thailand | IBGproperty
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Off-Plan VS Resale Property in Thailand

Posted by admin on 07/12/2021

There has always been a debate about buying a secondhand or firsthand property. You can decide on your own which is better?

First Hand Market Installments- One of the biggest advantages of owning a first hand property is that you can get the property on easy to pay off monthly or yearly installments. These installments can last up to 10 years or maybe even longer depending on your contract. Installments Is a very beneficial and great way to buy a property. In an installment you will have to pay some lump percentage of your property the remaining money can be divided accordingly. This has an advantage because you won’t have to stress out about paying a whole amount financially. One of the perks of buying first hand property is that you won’t have to deal with all the buyer and seller taxes. You also will not have to pay transfer fees taxes and all other problems you might face transferring the property. Another benefit of putting resources into another property will be that it will not need as much upkeep, particularly in the initial not many years. All that will be new, so you will be saved stressing over old fittings breaking or fixing mileage issues for your inhabitants.

One disadvantage of First- Hand properties is that when you might buy the property it may not be in its complete or finished form. This is a usual for First Hand properties as you will have to book and invest quiet early into the project.

Second Hand Market -The upsides of buying a property that has been recently claimed by another person will actually make you might have the option to buy a property at a lower cost, in a generally settled region. This may be viewed as a safer alternative, as costs in a set up zone are to a greater degree a known amount. Another benefit could be that a recycled property may as of now have a decent existing, paying occupant. Once more, this is maybe safer and will imply that you will procure rental pay straight away, rather than tracking down the correct inhabitant for the property.

A Second-Hand property will have the perk of being in the market. So, your property will be well known and you can do what you want with it. This will help you facilitate whatever you decide to do in the future or present.

One of the disadvantages of owning a second-hand property is you might have to deal with its maintenance. You might also need to renovate your property depending on the state your property is in.

You Decide – Now after presenting you with the Pros and Cons, you can decide what suits you better or you can get guided by Ibg properties Who genuinely care for your satisfaction.

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